28 de diciembre, 2016
David Romero
Consejero Académico y Activista estudiantil Académico: de Iowa State University
“A college degree is the key to realizing the American dream, well worth the financial sacrifice because it is supposed to open the door to a world of opportunity.”
~Dan Rather
The college admission process is all about timing and your success depends largely on the ability to follow through with certain important steps. One of those important steps is the completion of the FAFSA or the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. This is the form you will need to complete with your parents in order to request financial aid from the government. What can FAFSA do for you? Scan the following QR code with your phone and watch the 2min video or simply go to our Facebook page.
The government uses the FAFSA to determine how much financial aid you can borrow for your education. If you are interested in receiving the most amount of financial aid possible for your education, there is one thing you need to remember – deadlines are VERY important. The FAFSA has a priority deadline of March 1, 2017. Please take a moment to pause and place a reminder about this important date on your phone. By submitting your application by the priority deadline you will guarantee that your application is considered for the greatest amount of aid possible. The difference between submitting your FAFSA on March 1, 2017 and March 2, 2017 can be thousands of dollars in financial aid. If there is ever a time when the old saying of “time is money” rings true – this is it.
How to fill out the FAFSA? It takes most people about 30 minutes to fill out the FAFSA. Scan the following QR code with your smartphone to watch a short 2 min video on how to fill out the FAFSA.
The video will give you a list of all the information you need in order to complete the form online.
“But wait…I still need help”
There is plenty of help out there to assist you and your parents to fill out the FAFSA. Some cities in Iowa will be hosting “College Goal Sunday” events in February and March. Trained volunteers will be on hand to provide free assistance on how to fill out the FAFSA. Are you curious to know if “College Goal Sunday” is coming to your city? Scan the following QR code to learn about the dates and locations for events in 2017.
Resumen en Español:
El gobierno federal ofrece ayuda financiera a personas que desean seguir con sus estudios universitarios. Para aplicar debes completar la Solicitud Gratuita de Ayuda Federal para Estudiantes que por sus siglas en Ingles se describe como FAFSA. El FAFSA es utilizado para determinar cuanto dinero se le puede otorgar a un estudiante. La fecha limite para completar la aplicación es 1 de Marzo, 2017.
Completar el FAFSA toma cerca de 30 minutos. En el caso de que usted y su hijo/hija necesiten ayuda completando su aplicación, procuren asistir a unos de los eventos llamados “College Goal Sunday”. Estos son eventos gratuitos organizados por el estado de iowa para ayudar a los estudiantes y a sus familias a completar el FAFSA. En estos eventos ustedes contaran con la ayuda de voluntarios capacitados para ayudarles y responded cualquier pregunta que ustedes tengan acerca de el FAFSA.
Anime a su hijo/hija a comunicarse con sus consejeros académicos en la preparatoria. Ellos/ellas serán un gran recurso en preparación para completar el FAFSA.
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