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Maximize Your Time

22 de septiembre, 2016

“Lost time is never found again.”
~Benjamin Franklin

Time is a limited precious and curious resource.  Every day all of us get 24 a day and we get to decide how to spend those 24 hours. What do you plan to do with your time this summer?  Sleep? Binge watch on every show on Netflix?  Watch every telenovela on TV?  How you decide to spend your time is your decision, but it is important to know that your decisions about the summer time have important consequences for your future.  If you are smart with your time during the summer those consequences can be VERY GOOD and open great doors of opportunity for your future.  Some good words to remember as we near the summer time come from Ophah Winfrey who once said, “You must feed your mind with lecture materials, thoughts, and ideas that will continue to open new possibilities for you.”   I want to encourage you to continue learning this summer and to maximize the time you spend during your summer vacations.   
David Romero
Consejero Académico Activista estudiantil
Académico: de
Iowa State University

Why focus so much on the summer time?  Summer time is actually a very important time in your intellectual development because it gives you an opportunity to break the routine from the regular learning experiences you have in the classroom.  During summer you have a wonderful opportunity to learn about the things you want to learn about – not the things somebody else is telling you to learn about.  For example, do you want to become a software engineer? This summer check out free coding lessons on The sky is the limit – during the summer you have a wonderful opportunity to continue learning in so many different ways.  I am referring to the learning that happens when you engage in the type of activities that involve other aspects of your intellect, for instance, your personality, abilities, talents, and personal interest.  Why sit around the house the entire day when you can participate in a TON of exciting activities during the summer?  So get out there and engage in activities that will teach you more about yourself and the person you wish to become in the future.  Use this time to become a better person, use this time to prepare for a brilliant future.  

Choose to make the most of your time this summer and watch the doors of opportunity open for your future.

Resumen en Español:
Sabia usted que acorde a estudios hechos por la “Asociación Nacional de Aprendizaje de Verano” aquellos estudiantes que participan en actividades de verano demuestran una habilidad mas grande en su desarrollo académico el siguiente año escolar.  Se ha comprobado que aquellos estudiantes que se involucran en alguna actividad intelectual durante el verano se desempeñan mejor no solamente en lectura, matemáticas, pero también en exámenes estandarizados como el ACT o el SAT.  Si deseamos que estos jóvenes estén listos para los desafíos académicos que vienen en el futuro, debemos pensar acerca cómo ayudarles a aprovechar al máximo su tiempo durante el verano.  Sera muy importante que como padres de familia identifiquemos oportunidades para que nuestros hijos/hijas puedan seguir desarrollando sus talentos durante el verano.  Existen muchas oportunidades en nuestra comunidades que pueden ayudarles a ellos/ellas a seguir desarrollando su carácter.  Algunas sugerencias incluyen:

Ligas deportivas durante el verano
Organizaciones de servicio comunitario en su cuidad
Visitas a parques zoológicos o de conservación natural
Clases para aprender un lenguaje nuevo
Oportunidades para aprender a tocar un instrumento musical

Las posibilidades existen no importa donde vivamos, lo importante es que como padres de familia ayudemos a nuestros hijos/hijas a aprovechar su tiempo durante las vacaciones de verano.  Es importante que ellos aprovechen su tiempo durante el verano porque esto tendrá una efecto positivo en su desarrollo académico.


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