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Grit and Mindsets are Key to Success in College

10 de febrero, 2016

David Romero
Consejero Académico Activista estudiantil
“The words ‘I am...’ are potent words; be careful what you hitch them to. The thing you’re claiming has a way of reaching back and claiming you”.
~A.L. Kitselman

Have you ever wondered about the relationship between talent and intelligence?  Are people born with a set of talents and abilities that will determine their level of success in life?  Or is talent simply a starting point from which intelligence is the result of hard work and dedication?  The answers to these questions can tell you a lot about the way you see your own potential and the possibilities that exist in your future.  Pay close attention to the words you use to describe yourself and the way you think about your own intelligence/talent.  The internal dialogue you use to describe the future has a tremendous power over the decisions you will make.  What does a conversation about internal dialogue has to do with going to college?  It has everything to do with going to college!  If you do not believe that you can reach higher education – you have already limited the possibilities of reaching this goal.  On the contrary, if you believe in your capacity to reach bigger opportunities – you will search for a way to reach those big opportunities in your life.  Believe in your own intellectual capacity and the power you have to reach the dreams and goals you have set for your future.  

On the other hand, students, play close attention to the words other people use to describe your future.  Be careful and stay away from those who do not believe or try lowering expectations for your future.  If not careful – those expectations can creep up on you and start becoming your reality.  Remember that you are capable of accepting or rejecting what has been given to you in words.  Reject those words that are not building you up and accept/embrace those words that match your dreams and aspirations for a future in college.

In the same manner, parents, what are the words you use to describe the potential and the future of your children?  Parents, expressing your high hopes and dreams for the academic future of your children will go a long way in motivating them to succeed in college.  Communicate to your sons/daughters your belief in their ability to succeed academically and reach a greater level of success.  My experience working with hundreds of Latino families has taught me that your sons and daughters are listening and they will respond positively to your encouragement.

Pay close attention to your internal dialogue.  It is like a fuel that has the power to propel you towards your dreams

Resumen en Español:
Cuáles son las palabras que usas para describir tu futuro? Se cuidadoso de la manera en la cual te expresas de tu futuro porque tiene la capacidad de poder limitar tu potencial.

De la misma manera, padres de familia, cuáles son las palabras que ustedes usan para describir el potencial y el futuro de sus hijos/hijas?  Las palabras que ustedes usan para expresarse acerca de la capacidad y el talento de sus hijos/hijas pueden apoyar a sus hijos durante este proceso de preparación a la universidad.  Usen palabras que expresen sus grandes esperanzas y expectativas para el futuro de sus hijos/hijas.  Comuníqueles a ellos/ellas que usted cree en su capacidad de poder alcanzar un futuro mejor y la capacidad que ellos tienen para lograr grandes cosas en su futuro.  La experiencia me ha indicado que ciertamente ellos/ellas escuchan e internalizan las palabras que usamos para describir su futuro. 

Las palabras que usamos para describir nuestro potencial son muy importantes porque actúan como combustible para nuestro futuro.

Questions? Comments? I would love to hear from you. Join the discussion on Twitter and Facebook and VAMOS A ECHARLE GANAS… 

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