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3 careers with the greatest growth potential that you probably never heard about

24 de febrero, 2016

David Romero
Consejero Académico Activista estudiantil
“Be ready for when your time comes, you will have that window of opportunity, so seize the moment and capitalize on it.
~Anthony Anderson

Stephanie Kwolek was an American chemist and inventor who once said, “All sorts of things can happen when you are open to new ideas and playing around with things”.  Today, I like to borrow Mrs. Kwolek’s quote and slightly adapt it our consideration regarding the topic of careers for your future – The quote would go something like this – All sorts of things can happen if you are open to considering new majors and playing around with your career options.

Finding a career in life is a process that will undoubtedly take you many years.  While in high school it is easy to fall into the trap that once you have decided what you wish to do it is absolutely impossible/wrong to change your mind.  This type of faulty thinking is the equivalent of putting blinders on so you will not be able to see anything else around you.  Thinking that you MUST choose a career as soon as possible will severely limit your ability to consider the many more opportunities and possibilities available for your future in college.  The truth is that finding yourself and your career will be a process.  No human being is born knowing immediately who or what they will become in the future.  We become who we are as a result of our experiences in life.  In the same manner, finding answers to what career you must follow will take time and lots of self-discovery…this is part of the process.

Many young people about to graduate high school feel pressure to just say something anytime a person ask the question – What are you going to do? -   Perhaps, this is because in their minds not having an answer is not an “acceptable” response.  However, when looking for our calling in life, we are not simply looking for “acceptable”, we are looking for outstanding. Don’t give into the pressure to rush into an answer and therefore limit your own process of self-discovery.  But please do not misunderstand my words - not having an answer at this moment IS NOT an excuse from the work you must do to find the answers.  This is a question that will require you to truly reflect about those things that make you who you are.  Begin the process of choosing a career by thinking of your personality, abilities, talents, and interest.  You have a unique personality unlike any other in the world.  In the same manner the abilities and talents you have are also unique.  Likewise, think of those topics that call your attention.  Is it sports, theater, writing, weather, engineering, medicine, or business?

Whatever the topic – if it is something that you are truly passionate about - you can be sure there is a career for it.

So, in the spirit of exploration, opportunities, and possibilities – I wish to share with you a short snapshot of 3 careers that are worth your consideration if you are planning to go to college.  Do your research – you will find that many of these careers did not even exist a few years ago.

1. Environmental Engineering:  Engineering is all about solving problems. This may be the career for you if you are considering a career in engineering but you also have an interest in helping the environment/life sciences.

2. Supply Chain Management:  Are you the type of person that is good with logistics/planning? Are you a numbers/data person?  Are you interested in knowing more about how to run a successful business?  If you answer yes to any of these questions, you should learn more about this major that is a great combination of mathematics and business.

3. Health Information Technology Professionals:  Pretty soon having your medical records in paper form will be a thing of the past.  All hospitals in the U.S are updating their systems and records to an electronic form.  This may be the career for you if you are interested in computers and wish to combine it with an interest in the healthcare field.

Remember - All sorts of things can happen if you are open to considering new majors and playing around with your career options.  Best of luck as you continue your process of self-discovery.

Resumen en Español:
El escoger la carrera correcta es un proceso que toma tiempo y reflexión.  Mantén una perspectiva abierta cuando consideres tus opciones para el futuro.
El encontrar respuestas será un proceso que puede tomar varias semanas o varios meses.
El no tener una respuesta no es algo malo, pero debes hacer el esfuerzo para encontrar respuestas.
Piensa acerca de la conexión entre tu personalidad, habilidades, talentos, e intereses cuando busques una carrera universitaria.
Y como siempre – ECHALE GANAS

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