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Dreamers! Keep the dream alive

27 de enero, 2016
David Romero
Consejero Académico Activista estudiantil

“We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope”.
~Martin Luther King, Jr.

In this edition I wish to call the attention of those DREAMERS that have a desire of attending college in the future.  I am writing to those students who have demonstrated through their intellectual capacity and desire to succeed that they wish to be an active part in the future of this nation.  All these students want is to be considered justly for their potential and not for the lack of a piece of paper.  If you are a DREAMER – don’t give up in your fight for a better future.  It will be important that you become informed about your rights and know more about doors of opportunity open to you regardless of your immigration status.  For instance, with the executive order DACA signed by President Obama you have a chance to continue moving forward.  Make sure you connect with people around your community you can clearly explain to you the details of this executive order and how it affects you.  According to the department of education more than 680,000 students have benefited from DACA.

Barbara Jordan who was the first African-American woman to be elected to the Texas senate once said, “If you are going to play the game; you better know every rule”.  The worst mistake any of us can make in our lives is to make decisions about our future simply based on fear or misconceptions. Mrs. Jordan’s wise words resonate more than ever.  If your desire is to reach the goal of higher education then make sure you inform yourself about resources that will allow you to reach your goals.  For example, take a moment to scan the following QR code for the organization UNITED WE DREAM (Juntos Soñamos). 
In their website you will find some great resources and up to date information on DACA matters.

What can you do while you are in High School?
1. You will need trusted allies:
Speak to your parents about finding people in your community with whom you can trust.  This will be an important step in order to gain Access to information and resources that will help you in the future.  Don’t be afraid to reach out to your allies.
2. Take Advantage of Advanced Classes in High School:
Expecting the possibility of going to college and trying to save as much money as possible – take advantage of all dual credit and AP courses you can take at your high school.  This will be a way to save money by reducing your time in college. 
3. Consider attending community college the first two years of your college career:
Iowa is still a state that does not offer In-State tuition opportunities to DREAMERS.  Consider attending community college so you can save a bunch of money of college credit courses.  

4. Take Advantage of DACA:
If you are one of the students who can apply and benefit from DACA – learn as much as possible about your rights and how this executive order can help you.  Scan the following QR code to visit the page for OWN THE DREAM.  In their page you will find a great deal of info regarding DACA.

Resumen en Español:
Cuales son las acciones que un estudiante Dreamer puede tomar en la High School para mantener su deseo de poder ir a la Universidad:
1. Necesitas aliados en los que puedas confiar:
Habla con tus padres y hagan un esfuerzo para encontrar aliados en tu escuela en los cuales tengas confianza.  Esto será importante para tener acceso a información y otros recursos que puedan ayudarte.  No temas el pedir ayuda de estos aliados.
2. Aprovecha la oportunidad de clases avanzadas en   
high school:
Una manera de ahorrarte mucho dinero es el tomar ventaja de todas la clases de doble crédito que sean ofrecidas por tu high school.  Esta será una manera de ponerte en una posición ventajosa antes de la universidad.
3. Considera el asistir a un colegio comunitario los primeros dos años de tu educación superior:
Iowa es uno de los estados que todavía no ofrece a los Dreamers el pagar matricula como un residente de el estado.  Considera el asistir a un colegio comunitario primero para si poder ahorrarte mucho dinero y después transfiérete para una universidad.
4. Toma ventaja de el DACA:
Si tu eres uno de los jóvenes que pueden aplicar para consideración de el DACA, aprende lo mas que puedas acerca de cómo esta orden ejecutiva te afecta a ti.  Visita la pagina web de OWN THE DREAM o escanea el QR code para saber si calificas y como aplicar para el DACA.
Do not give up.  The worst thing that could ever happen is for you to lose the desire to reach your dreams.  Reaching the goal of higher education is not impossible. 

Questions? Comments? I would love to hear from you. Join the discussion on Twitter and Facebook and VAMOS A ECHARLE GANAS…


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